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SPP 2206 - Cooperative Multistage Multistable Microactuator Systems
Welcome to KOMMMA

The last SPP 2206 Annual Convention took place in Hösbach from Sep. 25th to Sep. 27th, 2023.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) decided to establish the Priority Programme SPP 2206, which will be funded for 2x3 years.

Objectives of this interdisciplinary Priority Programme are to show up new methods and concepts to understand the complex coupling and synergy effects in coupled microactuator systems as well as to fabricate platforms for cooperative and/or multistage microactuator systems. The development of bi-/multistable mechanisms will be encouraged.












Convention Meeting-2024

Date: September 30 - October 02, 2024

Location: Kassel

Further details will be found on internal page for members.



Actuator 2024

The biennial international conference will take place from June 13 to June 14, 2024 in Wiesbaden. Two special sessions of SPP 2206 are planned to be organized.




Logo Actuators

Actuator 2022

The biennial international conference took place during June 28-30, 2022 in Mannheim. Selected projects of the SPP KOMMMA have been presented in a special session (program).




 Actuator 2020 logo
Special Issue of "Actuator"

A Special Issue of ‘Actuators’, an Open Access Journal by MDPI, is dedicated to the topic of ‘Cooperative Microactuator Systems’. Further information




Banner IECAT 2020
Actuator 2021

The international conference took place as an online conference from February 17-19, 2021. An overview of the SPP KOMMMA and selected projects have been presented in a special session. The program of the SPP KOMMMA session can be downloaded here.